Sunday, February 17, 2008
My Heart & Prayers Go Out to You...
Put Ginuwine at the top of your prayer lists b/c he is going through it.
Friday, February 15, 2008
I really don't have the time to write or reflect at the present time but my mind keeps wandering off while I try to do more important (and much more boring) things. Sometimes I reflect on past decisions or lack thereof and I think about all of the things that I could have done better or just differently. I think that's why I'm so hard on my little sister at times. I've made it a mission to try A LOT of things, some favorable some not, and I really want her to have the luxury of not having to learn from the same mistakes as I did. I'm learning that this is probably impossible. If you have a sibling you know what I mean. Sometimes I feel like my mistakes mean nothing at all. But I'm starting to realize that they do mean something to someone and most of the time it has turned out to be me. I mean, my sister listens as much as a little sister living her own life can, but she's got to do her and honestly, I respect that. And truthfully, I'm really the one that needs to learn from my mistakes b/c it's my life. So, I guess I've learned that while my mistakes are valuable teaching tools, they are ultimately for me to learn from and if anyone else benefits then it's purely a bonus. It's still really hard when you love someone a whole lot and you see them taking a well travelled path that didn't end particularly well for you, but I guess that's how parents feel all the time. Thankfully, my mom sits back quietly as my sister and I continue to live our own lives. She only interjects when necessary or when asked and I love her for it. Well, since I've gone over my 6 minute typing allotment I have to go, but please hug your parent or parents. They're just people doing the best that they can.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Give It Up
That's what I need to do. Just give it up and go to sleep. I guess I'm staying up b/c my sister flies out tomorrow morning. This was probably the most time I've got to spend with her since...? See? It's been that long. Of course I'm proud, happy, excited, and all that other good stuff, but I'm going to miss her a little bit. I got used to laughing with her and talking to her everyday. She's hilarious and she understands the family things that go on that a lot of my friends don't. Anyway. I'm fine. Just ridiculously sleepy and feeling slightly single. Which is weird b/c any other day (or night) I have absolutely no problem with being single, but tonight it doesn't feel so sweet. Maybe this is hormonal? Well, beats me. I'm going to sleep. And just to make myself feel better, I should probably dream about Kerry Rhodes. I mean it couldn't hurt...
Friday, February 08, 2008
The Great State of New York

Yessir, NY is killing 'em in the football game. No, I have absolutely no idea what the Jets' record is. And quite frankly I really do not care. What I do care about is how hot Kerry Rhodes is. He plays for the NY Jets & if you add in the hotness that is Plaxico (NY Giants) NY is officially 2 for 2. And I'm suddenly jealous of all the fun my little sister will be having in her new city.
New Addiction
I have somehow managed to develop an insane addiction to coffee. Anybody that knows me knows that this was not the case as recently as a year ago. I blame my job and other current professional endeavors. I had more coffee this week than water and that is so not the business at all. To remedy my bad choices, I had a very tall glass of water this morning after my half super mug of double chocolate flavored coffee with vanilla cream & of course splenda b/c I'm addicted to that too. Because of all this coffee drinking I started to make some parallels. Drinking coffee (the way I drink it-flavored & full of cream & sweetener) taste like drinking hot chocolate. And it gives me the same chocolatey euphoria if you will. I know that people say it's some type of something in chocolate that replicates the feeling of "love" but I think it just might be the caffeine doing what it does. Seriously. Case in point, I haven't thought about guys in a minute. Ok, not exactly. But I haven't thought about sex much. Ok, that's not really true either. But there is no sex going down and I think coffee is helping me with that. See? I can tie it all together when it really counts. Anyway. I really need to get back to my productive agenda. I just needed a quick break to explain the joy that coffee gives me.
Monday, February 04, 2008
The Best Commercial EVER!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, when I saw this last night I died. I could not stop laughing, first b/c I just KNEW it was fake and then b/c the soundtrack was dude playing the oboe. Completely hilarious. My sister reminded me to look Chester up and I did and the story is actually real making this commerical even better. My sweet, sweet Jesus how I love the Superbowl and all of the foolishness that comes with it. This commercial is awesome. I salute you Chester Pitts.
Yay Giants!!!!

How great is this picture?
That was one of the best games I have ever seen. Usually Superbowl games go by very very slowly to me. But this game seemed to go by so fast even though it wasn't a high scoring game. How about that Giant's defense? They played the mess out of that football game. My (not!) husband managed to play through all the pain, ridicule and whatever else that was going on and landed that perfect catch. It was so pretty. I thought it was great when Pam Oliver mentioned that people were calling him the MVP of the game and he said it was all about the defense. Which was 100% correct. Defense set that win up for real. Even Eli has a ring now so he doesn't have to be in the shadow of everyone else. It was just a sweet game. My mom even said she saw my cousin flash across the screen. So Yay Giants! Yay Plaxico! Yay Eli! Now that it's all over I hope Plaxico can get his ankle and knee and whatever else healed up. I also hope he gets some rest and gets to spend lots of time with his family (his son is a cutie pie) Ok, I have to get back to my regularly scheduled life. I just wanted to take some time out to give props where they were due.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Dear So and So
Dear Plaxico,
You are very tall, chocolatey & hot-just like I like 'em. Thank you for your general existence. I know that you are unavailable & I respect that, it's just that you are really hot and I really respect that as well. I will be watching the SuperBowl for you and my cousin. Please win. Oh and thanks for accepting my message of "hello & congrats" even though we are strangers. That was nice of you. Man, you are hot.
Dear MySpace,
You are not the best of both worlds. On one hand you are amazing b/c I can find people I have been looking for for years. On the other hand, you are full of ex-boyfriends that I would rather pretend never happened or existed. And of course I have to know what they are doing, meaning subjecting myself to pure foolishness on their pages. Resulting in being slightly (ok, majorly) pissed about the content. My own fault of course. Whatever. I still love you b/c your good heavily outweighs your bad. And I fux with you for that.
Devotedly yours,
Dear Self,
Take it to bed.
Dear TD,
You are reminescent of Plaxico and that is SO dangerous. But I'm intrigued. So very intrigued.
You are very tall, chocolatey & hot-just like I like 'em. Thank you for your general existence. I know that you are unavailable & I respect that, it's just that you are really hot and I really respect that as well. I will be watching the SuperBowl for you and my cousin. Please win. Oh and thanks for accepting my message of "hello & congrats" even though we are strangers. That was nice of you. Man, you are hot.
Dear MySpace,
You are not the best of both worlds. On one hand you are amazing b/c I can find people I have been looking for for years. On the other hand, you are full of ex-boyfriends that I would rather pretend never happened or existed. And of course I have to know what they are doing, meaning subjecting myself to pure foolishness on their pages. Resulting in being slightly (ok, majorly) pissed about the content. My own fault of course. Whatever. I still love you b/c your good heavily outweighs your bad. And I fux with you for that.
Devotedly yours,
Dear Self,
Take it to bed.
Dear TD,
You are reminescent of Plaxico and that is SO dangerous. But I'm intrigued. So very intrigued.
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