Saturday, April 05, 2008

Question of the Day: How Do You Flirt At the Gym?

I've heard from several people that the gym is a "pick up" spot. How is this even possible? I guess I ask b/c when I go to the gym, I don't go to talk and catch up. I go to work out. I actually sweat at the gym. I probably don't smell that great when I leave the gym. I don't talk to anyone at the gym. I barely talked to my trainers. I don't wear extra hot outfits to the gym. If I spend my money on something cute, it will not be gym clothes. Don't get me wrong. If that's how you roll, I have no judgement about it, it's just not me. However, this morning when I was working out, I happened to have an encounter with a very attractive gymtastic (ie. very fit and hot) young man. I had done a lot of arm work and was trying to adjust the height on another machine. I was so weak that I couldn't get it together so I just started laughing to myself. When I looked up, there was this very hot young man laughing at me as well. He came over and adjusted the machine for me while we both laughed. I tried to explain what happened but I couldn't b/c we were laughing so much. I thanked him, he said "no problem" and every body went back to gym business as usual. I relayed the story to my mom and my friend Nik and both asked if I had gotten a name or number. The answer is "no". Why? B/c I don't feel hot at the gym. I feel sweaty, tired and of questionable freshness. This is not how I like to feel when I flirt with potential dates. Apparently flirting at the gym does get done. I would like to know how. Feel free to let me know how it's done b/c seriously, I would very much like to see this dude again in a non-gym setting.

A Little Saturday Mimi

I still love this song. There is nothing like a little Mimi while you're on the treadmill. Currently, "Touch My Body-Remix" is in heavy rotation on my Ipod. The dancing in this video is not the business but I like the cartoon. That said, that "Touch My Body" video is not the business to me. That is why it was not posted today.

Ain't This Some ****!

I don't have much love for complainers in general. As a result, I try my best not to complain or whine or be annoying. But I have to let this out. As you know (if you know me anyway, and if you're reading this blog you probably do) my mom lives out of the country. Since I managed to lose my car in a very irresponsible turn of events that had little to do with me and a lot to do with the bad judgement of another driver, my mom left me her car to use b/c she's mostly away. This all would be extremely awesome if my mom managed to care about the well being of her cars. Well, she doesn't and that means, while it may look good on the outside it's more than likely corroded under the hood. Again, let me stress that I am not complaining. I love my mom and through my years of driving I have been the recipient of many of my mom's hand me down cars and it's always the same thing. Cool on the outside, corroded where it counts. To bring you up to date, I have been the caregiver of this car for almost 2 years now. Last year I managed to take care of the insurance, general maintenance, registration, etc. Everything was cool. This year while my mom was home, she tried to take care of some car stuff and it has been a no go. Back taxes owed, major part needs to be replaced, registration is off-all of it. How did this happen? Hell, if I know. What I do know is that "the plan" was to have it all taken care of before she flew back out to paradise but that hasn't happened and now I have to make it happen. I don't mind, but I could have stepped in 2 weeks ago. I love my mom but we just approach things differently. And man do I wish I could pay this $700+ differently (meaning not at all) but it is what it is. Did I mention that I love my mom? B/c I do and I really appreciate her pretty much turning her car over to me but man, again, we could have done this so differently. Anyway. I'm done with this. At least I have a job and can pay for this stuff. That's the best part. I'm just still learning to be able to watch a big chunk of my money peace out and not have a heart attack. I can't help it. I've always been so serious about my paper. I'll be over this by the end of today but right now, I'm still not that pleased. I'm going to reheat some Chinese food, watch Extreme Makeover and let it go. Have a great Saturday!