Sunday, May 18, 2008
God Bless Debbie Allen
I'm watching "So You Think You Can Dance?" and Debbie Allen shows up. I never watch this show so I had no idea she was a judge. Can I tell you how much I love Debbie Allen? She's been my favorite since I saw some old "Fame" reruns somewhere and then she followed that love up w/ a stint on "A Different World" playing some therapist lady who's wig falls off. And although simply amazing, believe it or not, Debbie Allen really isn't the subject of this post. The subject is myspace, or more specifically, how myspace manages to kill dreams and break hearts. How, you ask? Allow me to explain. On myspace there's a category for "relationship status" which seems to cause me all sorts of problems. I've managed to find out ex-boyfriends are currently "in a relationship" when I personally feel they should be doing something different all together. I think I've briefly mentioned this before. All I can say if I'm working on not being so nosy. Anyway. Today's "in a relationship" notice came from my super amazing, super smart, super hilarious boyfriend Aaron McGruder, founder, creator and genius behind the best show/comic strip in the world-The Boondocks. I went on his page b/c I wanted to see if he had a blog b/c I figured it would be hilarious, cause you know, he's hilarious. Instead of a super hilarious, incredibly smart blog, I find the words "in a relationship" under relationship status. In a relationship? Aaron how could you do this do me? I mean, I didn't think we were going to get married, but I did think we were maybe going to one day run into each other and start dating and have a great hilariously, fun brief relationship. He's everything I like. A cool nerd. I love cool nerds. But b/c he is so very cool, some other lucky lady has scooped him up. Oh well. I still have Boondocks.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I Love A Good Banger
Let me tell you how much I am NOT making it at work today. So much so that this post is being authored from the "internet cafe" at my place of employment. Honestly, if I could do this from my phone I would. As a matter of fact...I think I just might be able to. I'll check on that for the future. Anyway. During one of my many daydreams/momentary losses of focus for the day, I realized that my choices in men are a lot like my choices in music. And I'm not really sure if this is a good or bad thing. What I can tell you is like my music my men usually fall into these three categories: The Classic, The Banger and The Hit. Let me elaborate.
The Classic
In music, classic songs are timeless. They are the songs that you, your kid sibling, your parents and grandparents know. These songs stand the test of time. The Classic Gentlemen is essentially the same. He is what you would call marriage material. He is usually husband handsome. You know, not trendy hot, but a subtle hot that just gets better with age. You can usually recognize him immediately b/c the thought "I would so marry him" runs through your mind. He is educated, intelligent, sweet but not soft, strong but not mean, and all around great. If you are under 25 you probably do not want him. If you are 25 and above you might be thinking about him. If you are over 30 and haven't found him, he is all you talk about. You have also probably dated this guy before but found some crazy reason why you shouldn't be together. In my defense I want to say that I don't think I have dated a bonafide Classic. I think my Classic was just a Banger in disguise.
The Banger
We all know what a Banger is, but for those of you that are old or whatever else you would have to be to not know what a Banger is, I'll explain. In music, a Banger is just that-a song that bangs. A Banger is hot. Hot heat that you can't stop listening to. When you're not listening to it, you hear it in your head. You play it on repeat. It seems like you never get tired of it. Again, it's just that hot. Similarly, The Banger Gentleman is just that hot. You love, love, love him and you just cannot get enough. The thing about the Banger is, eventually you do get tired of playing the same song on repeat. And you find b/c you've played it so much you kind of don't want to hear it again...ever. If a Banger is equipped with more than a hot beat (or hot body) and actually has lyrics (or substance) this can work out nicely. But most of the time, a Banger is just a hot song for that time. Don't get me wrong. When you revisit it, it's still good but you know it wouldn't be on your current playlist. But...because it's so good when you revisit you may have a tendency to forgot how it might not be a good fit on the current playlist. Or you may completely forget and tell yourself that this old ass song is just as good as anything currently out. This is a trap. And since it's so difficult to navigate, I advise you not to revisit. If you can. (I know. No, for real. I know) Moving along to...
The Hit
You know a hit. It's everywhere. You can't get away from it. Everyone loves it. It's the BEST! SONG! EVER! to let the world tell it. You may or may not feel the same way. If you're like me, you probably don't. You can just about guarantee if it's mainstream, I'm probably going to pass on it. Not to say it's not good, it's just not my particular steez. Similarly, The Hit Gentleman is loved by everyone. Your friends love him. Your family loves him. He has the best credentials the world has seen. He is a doctor, lawyer, scientist with a Jr. Nobel Peace Prize. He is second only to the second coming. He is the truth. Again, to let everyone else tell it. To you, he's simply "alright." It's not that he's not handsome b/c he's cute enough. And it's not that he's not smart b/c he's smart enough. Essentially, he meets all of your qualifications you just don't feel him like that which causes everyone a problem. Mostly, you, b/c you have to hear about how wrong you are b/c he is so great. And the truth is, maybe if everyone wasn't on his jock you might be able to step back and see what he was about but since his song is on 24/7 you're over it before it even got started. Sorry. It's just like that sometimes.
I'm sure there are many more categories but these are the three that I have encountered, with the Classic being an exception...or maybe not. He was probably ready and I so was not. And unfortunately this seems to be the way the game is frequently played. I'm not too worried though b/c honestly, whoever is man enough to deal with me will show up and everybody will be ready at the right time and it'll be pretty great. But until that time, I'm going to have to find a way to leave those Bangers alone. Pray for me y'all.
The Classic
In music, classic songs are timeless. They are the songs that you, your kid sibling, your parents and grandparents know. These songs stand the test of time. The Classic Gentlemen is essentially the same. He is what you would call marriage material. He is usually husband handsome. You know, not trendy hot, but a subtle hot that just gets better with age. You can usually recognize him immediately b/c the thought "I would so marry him" runs through your mind. He is educated, intelligent, sweet but not soft, strong but not mean, and all around great. If you are under 25 you probably do not want him. If you are 25 and above you might be thinking about him. If you are over 30 and haven't found him, he is all you talk about. You have also probably dated this guy before but found some crazy reason why you shouldn't be together. In my defense I want to say that I don't think I have dated a bonafide Classic. I think my Classic was just a Banger in disguise.
The Banger
We all know what a Banger is, but for those of you that are old or whatever else you would have to be to not know what a Banger is, I'll explain. In music, a Banger is just that-a song that bangs. A Banger is hot. Hot heat that you can't stop listening to. When you're not listening to it, you hear it in your head. You play it on repeat. It seems like you never get tired of it. Again, it's just that hot. Similarly, The Banger Gentleman is just that hot. You love, love, love him and you just cannot get enough. The thing about the Banger is, eventually you do get tired of playing the same song on repeat. And you find b/c you've played it so much you kind of don't want to hear it again...ever. If a Banger is equipped with more than a hot beat (or hot body) and actually has lyrics (or substance) this can work out nicely. But most of the time, a Banger is just a hot song for that time. Don't get me wrong. When you revisit it, it's still good but you know it wouldn't be on your current playlist. But...because it's so good when you revisit you may have a tendency to forgot how it might not be a good fit on the current playlist. Or you may completely forget and tell yourself that this old ass song is just as good as anything currently out. This is a trap. And since it's so difficult to navigate, I advise you not to revisit. If you can. (I know. No, for real. I know) Moving along to...
The Hit
You know a hit. It's everywhere. You can't get away from it. Everyone loves it. It's the BEST! SONG! EVER! to let the world tell it. You may or may not feel the same way. If you're like me, you probably don't. You can just about guarantee if it's mainstream, I'm probably going to pass on it. Not to say it's not good, it's just not my particular steez. Similarly, The Hit Gentleman is loved by everyone. Your friends love him. Your family loves him. He has the best credentials the world has seen. He is a doctor, lawyer, scientist with a Jr. Nobel Peace Prize. He is second only to the second coming. He is the truth. Again, to let everyone else tell it. To you, he's simply "alright." It's not that he's not handsome b/c he's cute enough. And it's not that he's not smart b/c he's smart enough. Essentially, he meets all of your qualifications you just don't feel him like that which causes everyone a problem. Mostly, you, b/c you have to hear about how wrong you are b/c he is so great. And the truth is, maybe if everyone wasn't on his jock you might be able to step back and see what he was about but since his song is on 24/7 you're over it before it even got started. Sorry. It's just like that sometimes.
I'm sure there are many more categories but these are the three that I have encountered, with the Classic being an exception...or maybe not. He was probably ready and I so was not. And unfortunately this seems to be the way the game is frequently played. I'm not too worried though b/c honestly, whoever is man enough to deal with me will show up and everybody will be ready at the right time and it'll be pretty great. But until that time, I'm going to have to find a way to leave those Bangers alone. Pray for me y'all.
Monday, May 12, 2008
I'm watching "The Paper" and I'm getting annoyed with how messy these kids are. Is everybody that messy in high school? And if so, why? Honestly, I don't know why I'm acting like being messy in high school is new. People are messy in college. Hell, people are messy as adults. This post isn't going to be cute or funny. I'm just going to write. Last night I couldn't sleep b/c I had one continuous panic attack. About a week ago, I committed to making a trip that, in hindsight (or maybe foresight), I don't want to make. I thought I was ready. I thought that it may actually be fun. But now I don't think so. Actually, now I know I'm just not ready and I may never be ready. Sometimes things just end and that's all there is to it. And sometimes even though you can forgive you just can't forget.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I Decided...
that gym dude is a clown. I think I figured this out the post before last but I wanted to give this person the benefit of the doubt. I've decided that I don't want to do that anymore. I'm all about career and the betterment of me at the moment. While it's cool to hang out with hot guys and have fun and etc, it's also really annoying to not know where you stand with someone you keep flirting (?) with. Pretty much, he made a joke that I really didn't appreciate it. It wasn't crass or vulgar but it was a little "wtf?" In one of our "flirty" moments, he told me that he used to play football. Well, last Saturday, to speed up our "flirting" I asked if he was a Wide Receiver when he played football. He looked at me and said he played football in high school, then he told me, ME (!) that maybe I should stick to what I know. What the hell does that mean? B/c I didn't know, I asked. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to clear up my confusion. He just repeated that I should "you know, just stick to what you know." I politely informed him that I hoped he wasn't insinuating that I didn't know about football or sports in general. He again just repeated that I should stick to what I knew. So I told him maybe he should stick to the bank (since that's where he works) and turned and walked away. I vaguely remember him calling out "talk to you later" or some foolishness behind me, but I was done. And I'm still done. Whatever homie. I saw him today and he tried to make some type of small talk but I wasn't that interested today. He said stick to what I know and unfortunately that isn't him. Sorry homie.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Strawberry Cake Mix is the Devil

Wild Things is a horrible movie. Just thought I'd put that out there since I'm currently spending my Sunday pre-afternoon watching it. Anyway. Back to the topic at hand. Strawberry cake has turned out to be my arch-nemesis. Long ago, in a land far away, often referred to as New Orleans, my roommate had a birthday celebration. Another friend of ours made her a birthday cake. It was the biggest cake I had ever seen and it was made of strawberry mix with strawberry icing on top. That cake stayed at our house for weeks and I managed to eat a piece every. single. day. I ate strawberry cake long after it was still good. When it got hard, I warmed it up in the microwave. I could not leave it alone. I loved that cake. I think JYR eventually threw it away while I was at school or something. I don't think I was in the house when it happened. I was thankful when it was gone though. She knew I didn't have the willpower to do it own my own. I will be forever grateful to her for saving me from that cake. Needless to say, I thought all of this was behind me. Not so. Last night, I went to see a co-worker/friend b/c her daughter was having a birthday party. She invited me over to get some food and since I love food I agreed. Well, when I got there what was on the table staring me in the face? No, not strawberry cake, but it's more seductive partners, strawberry cupcakes. I love cupcakes more than real cake and mostly b/c they are just mini-cakes, which makes them easier to eat. You don't have to cut...anyway, you get the point. So I ate one and it was delicious. I even had ice cream (also delicious). She packed 3 cupcakes to go and so here I am, conflicted b/c I just started working out with all my might trying my best to get back to my fighting weight...BUT... I love, love, love cupcakes. And the truth is I already ate one this morning. I'm losing. So I have to go to the gym and do at least 2 hours of cardio which doesn't really make me want to get out of the bed. Decisions. Decisions. Maybe I'll just eat another one and really make that cardio worth my while...
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Why Are You Missing?
Yum. Me. Chico DeBarge was probably the hottest thing about '97. Maxwell and D'Angelo being two very distinct exceptions, of course. My best friend had this cd and we would wear. it. out. This was one of my favorite songs. What is most puzzling is that after such a hot ass album this dude gets so missing. How does that happen? I mean, at least D'Angelo and Maxwell had the decency to stick around for a second or third album. Chico? I think he had another album, but it came out like 3 or 4 years after this hotness and well, wasn't hot. Jail should have made him it's spokesperson. I mean, if that's what it does to you then maybe it's not all bad? Seriously folks. The way he came out is not the way he went in. If jail is in some way responsible for this...then I'm definitely not going to hate it.
Yay! Yay! Yay!
This morning I checked my balance and to my surprise God (or the IRS-depending on how you address higher powers) blessed me with an unexpected refund. I figured I might get one but I didn't think it would be so respectable. I actually received double what I was expecting. As you can guess I am extremely excited about all this money falling into my bank account and I would like to take this time to respectfully ask that it keep happening. I do so love an overflowing bank account. Usually I have to work about a million hours to get a bonus but in this case I didn't have to do, well, anything. And that my friends is the most awesome check of all-the unexpected one. Moving along. So gym dude and I have been flirting on a third grade level for a few weeks, however, I know not one important fact about him with the exception of his first name, what he does, and that he's hot. Is he single? Not a clue. Is he straight? Who knows. Is he interested in me? Again, I'm at a loss. We had a rather lame conversation today so I'm not feeling so encouraged. Our jokes weren't that funny today and I'm getting a little tired of flirting. Mostly b/c I'm impatient and not so good at flirting. However, I can console myself with the fact that I did get 2 good solid hours of working out this morning, so I am well on my way back to my fighting weight. Hopefully.
Friday, May 02, 2008
I know this song (and video) has been out for a while now but it's still my favorite. This song is so London. Everytime I hear it I just want to get on a plane and be out! I also feel like she has crazy chemistry with Kanye in this. And dare I say, he actually appears to be cute and somewhat charming in this video. I know it'll probably never happen, but once (or if) he gets over his ex he should just go ahead and hook it up with Estelle. She seems like she would be a good match for Ye. And then they can double date with me and Pharrell (j/k...sort of).
Two For the Price of One
I stole a movie today. Well, I didn't actually physically steal a movie, but I did take it back to junior high, meaning, I paid for one movie, saw it and when it was over I snuck into another movie of my choice. I know I should feel some sort of remorse for this, but considering a gallon of gas is roughly the same price as seeing a movie, and neither should cost as much as it does, I figured I had to take this into my own hands. At least for today. I'm usually a law abiding citizen, but today I wanted to see two movies and not have to drop close to $20 for doing so. I also got popcorn, so I spent close to $20 for the matinee anyway. I did what I had to do. Don't judge me. I've been working almost everyday straight for 2 months and I am so very tired. I have a few days off and I am trying to soak up every moment of it. Since I've been off, I've had a few drinks, stolen a movie, gone to the gym and actually had time to do cardio and managed to get like 10 hours a sleep a night. So beautiful and oh so fulfilling. I also figured since I've managed to luck up on more time I could actually post something new. So, Viola! Enjoy.
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