Thursday, November 04, 2004

My Love Affair With Billy Blanks

If you know me, which if you are reading this you probably don't, but if you do, you know that I love Billy Blanks. I don't love Tae-Bo (although it seems to be the only thing that I can do at home successfully), I love Billy Blanks. No one seems to understand why I love Billy like I do. I'll put it simply. I love Billy Blanks because Billy Blanks loves me. At this point I know anyone reading this has decided that I am most definitely insane. However, allow me to explain.
Billy Blanks is the creator of Tae-Bo, a work out regimen that includes elements of kickboxing, aerobics and just plain craziness. It's an excellent cardio workout and it also sculpts and shapes (an extra bonus). However, let me repeat. This is not why I love Billy. I love Billy for what he does for me. Billy has a way of making me feel like he's speaking directly to me. On one of my favorite tapes Billy used to tell me "if I wanted to look good in that swimsuit, I'd better squeeze those glutes." He would then gently remind me that "it's not all about the swimsuit, it's about what's in here" pointing to my heart. He's right. I can squeeze my glutes all I want but at the end of the day if I'm not right on the inside then, whatever. Right, Billy?
I digress. Billy gives me spiritual and emotional guidance as he shapes and sculpts my body. He is approximately 175 years old and he has the body of a 25 year old football player. If you can't listen to this man, then really, who can you listen to?

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