Saturday, August 16, 2008

I know, I know...

I've been MIA for quite sometime and I do apologize. I've had so much life to live that I haven't had time to post anything. I'm going to make an effort to do better. A few quick things I've discovered since I've been away:

1) "If I Was Your Girlfriend" by Prince is still one of the hottest songs on the planet.

2) It is possible to work yourself sick.

3) I still care way too much about the world.

4) I'm much more sensitive than I even thought possible.

5) My mind is more sophisticated than I realized.

6) Billy Ocean is awesome

7) A year goes by much faster than you realize.

8) I may be a secret politician.

9) It may not be possible for me to ever get enough sleep.

10) I may be ready to love someone again, someday...soon.

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