Sunday, March 16, 2008

10 Things You Should Know About Me...

1. I never go to bed when I should.

2. I love to play songs on repeat.

3. Shopping all day makes me physically ill.

4. I'm really shy.

5. I remember more than most people think I do.

6. I can always find a sponsor.

7. I want to be a nun.

8. I have control issues.

9. I hate exercise but I love the results.

10. I'm the hardest working lazy person you'll ever come across.

1 comment:

F.E.D.S. said...

10 Things You Should Really Know About Sweet Peaches ...

1. She blames me for her lack of sleep even though I am clearly in bed by 9 p.m. every night.

2. Bonnie and Shyne is indelibly seared into her brain for all eternity after an entire weekend of listening to it on repeat. This is not her fault.

3. She really hates bargain shopping.

4. She says she's shy. That is why I had to constantly harass her until she agreed to be my friend.

5. She remembers a lot, which is why she often chastises me for telling the same story more than twice.

6. I don't know about this sponsor business, but it kind of sounds like Feed the Children or something. Please believe she needs more than 30 cents a day to live on.

7. No words ... but I do know a nun recruiter.

8. She has control issues. For more information, please refer to Jerry's House and the Bourbon Room.

9. She inspired me to become an exercise machine in law school.

10. Sweet Peaches only thinks she's lazy. She's a hardworking so and so and good things are soon to come for her.