Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Something's Rotten in Denmark

Whew. I have a few days off and I am so thankful to the Almighty for his blessings. This has been a rough week. I've been through so many emotions. My non-ethnic co-workers are becoming more and more comfortable and letting some unsettling opinions and arguments come out. These people have a right to feel what they feel, but keep it tight at work. That's all I really ask. They do NOT want an EEOC complaint. At this point people all just bursting at the seams with inappropriateness. Between Bill O'Reilly being surprised that while dining out I don't scream for a refill of some "motherf***ing iced tea" to a reality show alum letting me know that slavery "sucks balls" and that I should just, say it with me now, "get over it", and the boderline fools at work, I'm about done. I'm about ready to take a life vacation. I don't really know what that entails but I'm about ready to find out. With all this foolishness, I may need a shot of Johnnie Walker Red. It's that serious. I'm going to go get my eye mask out of the fridge and lay it down. I posted a little Chico below to soothe my nerves. I'm going to try to have a better evening.

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