Thursday, October 04, 2007

On Strike

Ok, so I was doing my morning web browse of celebrity gossip and learned some terrible things. Apparently, Karrine Steffans has touched on young ass Chris Brown. That makes me a lot uncomfortable. I mean for real, he just turned 18 like three seconds ago. And 18 isn't even a respectable age for touching on someone if you're over 25. 23 year olds don't even want to touch on 18 year olds. Hell, most 18 year old girls don't want to touch on 18 year old boys. I'm so disappointed that I can't talk about it anymore. Go to "A Hot Mess" to read about it for real. The thought of sweet kids getting turned out is too much for me to take on a Thursday morning. Getting turned out is a vicious cycle and I don't wish it on anyone. My main concern about Ms. Steffans is out of all the people she's slept with, only a few were satisfactory or better. That's a lot of work for no real return. I know she gets stuff like money, but I don't like to be worn out for no good reason. Not even for money. Call me lazy, but my entrepreneurial spirit only goes so far. I'm not hating. Differences make the world go 'round. Hope she sells a lot of books and takes good care of her son. That's about all I can say. That and poor Chris Brown. SMH.

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