Monday, October 01, 2007

No Love Should Be This Good

I figured I might as well start of October correctly and b/c my love knows no bounds I decided to post these delicious treats below. Enjoy!

Gangtress of Love (GoL, for short) is officially my new title. I used to for real, love this song. I have always had a soft spot in my heart for really wrong R&B songs.
Truthfully, I may or may not have had this song on a tape. I mean, this video is so old that I don't even know what "MTV base" is or was. Never heard of it. And that's saying alot b/c I've been up on videos/vidoeo channels for a while. Slightly disturbing.

God Bless whoever messed around and put this on Youtube! The quality of the video isn't that great, but I don't even care. This song is so serious. Ideal had like 45 singles on that one album. That was some good stuff right there. Too bad they got dropped from their label for no good reason. Poor Ideal.

Come on. You knew I couldn't leave Jodeci out of the mix. Check out that dancing and of course the loud for real singing. I almost broke out my combat boots while watching this. I've said it before, but it gets no better than Jodeci. Too bad they are no longer with us. RIP Jodeci. You'll always be in my heart.

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