Sunday, August 19, 2007


I am seriously trippin. You know you're night was ridiculous when you have to be driven to the spot where you left your car the next morning. You know you're on some other shit when the ride there entails rolling down the highway with old school Outkast playing loud as hell, eating a chicken leg, with the windows rolled down and hair blowing in your face. I have no excuses for my behavior. I will remind you that my birthday is in 2 days. As we speak, I'm sitting here in a towel trying not to pass away. I think I need to go lay down. Oh yeah. I got a dress yesterday for my party. Goodnight.


F.E.D.S. said...

Too bad there's no video for King Tee's Super Nigga.

I will refrain from commenting on the chicken leg eating. You must have been really hung over for all that. Who eats chicken legs over the age of 6?!

Bree said...

I love fried chicken legs. It was actually the leg included in the 2 piece from Bojangles. I thought I had successfully side-stepped hung overness but around 2pm that same day, I was earling in the toilet. It was the worst.